Spiritual Integration is a process that aims at unifying the physical and spiritual parts of an individual human being and assist them on their journey to become whole. This unification is the foremost task of any human being as focusing only on one part of our being and neglecting the other, makes for an unsatisfactory life spent on earth.
Although it is possible for anyone to reach the state of wholeness by themselves and become spiritually individuated, most people would need guidance, support, and experiences of professionals to complete the journey.
Spiritual Integration is a method of treatment that is similar to Spirit Releasement Therapy and Spirit Release Therapy, as introduced and practiced by William Baldwin and Terrence Palmer, respectively.
The following are the differentiating points from above mentioned methods:
- It assists the individuals to reach a higher level of consciousness by realizing their true spirit and integrating spiritual life into their daily physical living.
- The process is facilitated by an experienced facilitator/psychotherapist and a medium/ registered nurse with years of experience in providing care, support, compassion, and healing energies to their clients.
- It is individualized to a particular client with attention to age, gender, culture, strengths, current level of functioning, and needs.
- It attends to the totality of the individual, physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual domains, and seeks to liberate the client from any barriers to healthy, productive, and meaningful spiritual life.
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